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Legal Notes


116 bis, avenue des Champs Elysées
75008 Paris
+331 56 59 10 20

S.A.S. au capital de 388 830 €
RC Paris B 479 992 281
NAF 7022 Z


Candidate information

Handling responsibility: Lincoln HR Group

Handling purpose: ensure candidate skills match current recruiting mandates or other mandates the firm may be called upon to fill.

In accordance with the French Labour Law, the Lincoln HR Group certifies its recruiting process includes an interview, a professional motivational and behavioural assessment procedure (MCPH*), and obtaining professional references.

Test results may be provided upon request. They will only be kept in your file if hiring should ensure. Refraining from answering questions may possibly hinder your application process.

Your personal data remains confidential; it is exclusively available to authorised Lincoln HR Group staff and will not be passed on to a client without your prior consent.

Your data is stored for a period of 24 months.

In compliance with regulations applying to personal data, you have the right to access, rectify, object, and limit processing, to portability so as to request the transfer of data when possible, and to the erasure of data. You may exercise your rights:

In writing to the following address: Lincoln HR Group, service Ressources, 116 bis avenue des Champs-Élysées, 75008 Paris.

Or by email to: dpo@lincoln-group.com

Specify your surname, name, and postal address, and include a front and back copy of your ID.



Prospect and client information

Handling responsibility: Lincoln HR Group

The use of information can serve all or some of the following purposes:

  • client management operations regarding: contracts; orders; deliveries; invoices; accounting and in particular client account management; client relations follow-up such as satisfaction surveys.
  • sales prospecting;
  • drawing up of sales statistics;
  • management of requests regarding access, rectification or objection rights;
  • debt collection and litigation management, provided that it does not involve a breach of law and/or that it does not infringe on a person’s rights, service or contract.

Your personal data will be handled confidentially; it is exclusively available to authorised Lincoln HR Group staff.

Your data is stored for a period of 36 months.

In compliance with regulations applying to personal data, you have the right to access, rectify, object, and limit processing, to portability so as to request the transfer of data when possible, and to the erasure of data. You may exercise your rights:

In writing to the following address: Lincoln HR Group, service Ressources, 116 bis avenue des Champs-Élysées, 75008 Paris.

Or by email to: ressources@lincoln-group.com

Specify your surname, name, and postal address, and include a front and back copy of your ID.

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