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Horizon, the solution for assessment and transformative leadership

The speed, scale and nature of the transformations that organizations have to face, require a change in the managerial matrix.

The emergence of a new leadership model: a necessity to drive transformation processes

The speed, scale and nature of the transformations that organizations have to face, require a change in the managerial matrix. A controlled, closed and predictable environment is giving way to an unpredictable universe that limits understandability, but opens up new horizons. Beyond driving change, it is a question of setting organizations in motion and preparing them for future developments that are still unknown. Learning to manage this uncertainty in order to develop resilience, creativity and a culture of proactivity, requires moving towards leadership models that are firmly based on caring and trust. Thanks to this new form of managerial letting go, we unleash energy and potential. When the latter are channeled towards a shared and meaningful vision, they are the drivers of successful organizational transformation.

The four drivers for transformative leadership identified by Lincoln

  • An ability to imagine a meaningful vision and to share it in order to build cohesively.
  • A culture of uncertainty, i.e. the ability to take advantage of the opportunities resulting from uncertainty by developing creative thinking and calm and constructive behavior when faced with the unknown.
  • An ability to install confidence and its consequences: having convictions and accepting to challenge them, mobilizing through energy and enthusiasm, looking at everyone’s potential fairly and positively.
  • A culture of caring and resilience, to encourage understanding, solidarity and the ability to overcome obstacles.


Horizon, a simulation game that positions Talents on the 4 pillars of transformative leadership, identifying each individual’s potential to manage and support change in a company.

At the core of our innovation policy leveraging a more agile and resilient society, Horizon is one of our flagship Leadership Advisory tools to support our Talents as much as possible in the challenges they face.

To find out more and / or test Horizon, contact us by clicking here.